Fiat Social Loops X Yeah Haus
Fiat Social Loops
Fiat was in need of some short social loops for instagram/ twitter and was super open to the concepts as long as they were fun. We came up with 7 different treatments that allowed us to experiment with different styles and techniques. Any gig that agrees to working with puppies is a dream project!
ROLE: Art Director / Storyboards/ Producer/ Puppy Researcher
Here is some of the concept art, as well as a sampling of the styleframes & character designs for the puppies.

C R E D I T S Agency: Society | Concept + Boards: Yeah Haus | Art Direction: Michelle Ouellette | Graphics & 3D animation: Chad Thompson, Anthony Mauiri, Edgar Ferrer, Nicolás Carrasco | Comp + sound: Thaddeus Chompson III | Cel animation: Michael Abarca
Take a look at the final loops below!