Discord Wumpus Stickers
Discord Stickers
Wumpus & Friends
Discord’s stellar design team got in touch because they were launching a new feature: Stickers! This was the first set of projects, three different packs, each consisting of 30 character emotions.
The first thing that I tackled was a animation- friendly adaptation of Discord’s star character Wumpus. He’s a big deal for the Discord community- a character that is known and loved, but also a version that fits this new sticker launch. We went through several different styles to get Wumpus just right.
When we had approval of Wumpus, it was time to start the first sticker pack- a range of 30 or so different emotions. I Illustrated all of these- and what followed was a fun frenzy of animation by our animation team.
ROLE: Character Design/ Illustration/ Boards/ Producer
Character Design
We worked with Discord’s talented creative team on the development of the characters, crafting them to all fit in a fun style that worked best for their users. Discord creative would supply us with inspiration, as well as the description and inspiration for their characters, and the I re-worked those into more animation friendly designs. The R&D process was a lot of fun!
R&D: Other Characters and Themes
Of course, everything is better with your friends! Other Discord character designs Nelly & Clyde (hamster & robot) needed to be adapted for cel animation too. There were two extra “Wumpus” packs that came out after the original, one to celebrate Hallowe’en and introduce cel-animated Nelly & Clyde, and one for Winter coziness.
In-App Banners
For the Discord marketplace, each sticker pack needed a banner too. They needed to encapsulate the fun of the pack- but it was also fun to come up with some scenes to connect the different emotions and scenes together!
Full Sticker pack illustrations
Welcome Wumpus!
Hallowe'en Wumpus & Friends
Winter Wumpus & Friends
Select Sticker loops
I can’t show all of this without showing some of the final stickers, animated! Our animation team was amazing, and really brought the emotions I created to life. Animation by: Michael Abarca, Jose Moreno, Rony Torres, Melisa Farina, Franco Rampoldi and Mel McCann.